My Carnivore LifeStyle

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I have lost over 200 lbs so far on a keto, and now mostly carnivore diet. I have been clean keto, dirty keto, pure carnivore, and now, mostly meat with a few veggies. I call it the "Proper Humman Diet". I eat no refined seed oils, very few carbohydrates, and I cook in Bacon Grease, Lard, Tallow, Butter, Ghee, and Duck Fat. I was pushing 500lbs. I was sick, diabetic. I had bad knee, torn rotator cuff, and was going blind. I was on over 300 units of insulin per day and had A1C's in the 14's. I am no longer diabetic. My knee has healed, and my shoulder is fine. I am no longer going blind, and I feel great.

I still have high BP. On October the 12th of 2023, I had a stroke. My systolic BP spiked to over 310. My stroke was in my cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain at the back of the skull. It's function is to coordinate and regulate muscular activity. The cerebellum is also the part of the brain that controls eye movements, which plays a key role in vision. The cerebellum's main function is to optimize eye movement performance so that images of interest are quickly brought to the fovea, where visual acuity is best.

After my stroke, I was seeing everything double and fuzzy. Things would spin until I got nauseous. I could not keep my balance when I walked because my muscles in my legs didn't react right. I could barely walk with a walker. I did much physical therapy, and in 3 months I was back to work and driving again. I have made pretty much a full recovery. Today, my right pupil stays partially dialated, so I have a hard time dealing with bright light in that eye, and sometimes I have to close it. I also have a little neruopathy in my right leg and arm, which makes me loose my balance. Not to the point where I am going to fall, but sometimes, I will just stumble a little bit for a step or two when walking. Today I feel way better after my stroke, that I did 200lbs ago.

I do not take statins, which, I believe, was why I recovered from my stroke so quickly. The brain needs LDL for form new neuropathic pathways (called neuroplasticity) to relean how to do things. LDL from your liver cannot get to the brain because of the blood brain barrier. The brain makes it's own LDL. But statins do cross the blood brain barrier, and cause it not to make LDL either. I believe this is also a big reason for alzheimers disease. My last blood work showed my LDL was 104, my HDL was 86, and my Tryglcerides were a little higher than they normally are at 63. I have had all of the heart tests. I have had a Sress Test, Nuclear Test, CTC Scan, Ultra Sound on my Heart and Neck, and a CAC test. They all show my heart to be a tiny little bit enlarged on the left side due to high blood pressure, but it is not that bad yet. I was told I have great heart valves. None of my scans showed any blockages in my Neck, Heart, Upper Abdomen, or Lungs. My CAC Score was 0. I have spent a lot of time in CAT Scans and MRI's to check my kideys, heart, etc. They can find no reason for the High BP. I am on 7 BP medications and it is still high. Not as high; usually 150-160. I am dealing with severe side effects of BP meds. I am going to look at getting renal denervation therapy to bring the BP under control.


The Beast at Kings Island. The worlds longest wooden roller coaster!


The Bat at Kings Island. One of the few remaining suspended Arrow coasters!

I now enjoy life, and love to go to ammusment parks and ride coasters. At one time I could not fit on The Beast. Then after a while they would have two people push on the bar to get a second click. I felt like I was going to need a new spleen. Today and can fit in and get 3 clicks myself. I can now fit on all of the coasters at Kings Island! And I like to go ride them all too! Except Invertigo, screw that thing; it scared me!

Before my stroke, I spent evenings and weekends as a mobile mechanic and diagnostician. I made pretty good money at it and was building a large customer base. I decided to give up the mobile mechanic stuff after my stroke. I could have died if not for the fast response of the great paramedics and hospital, and getting the clot buster on board so quickly. I want to spend all my extra time with my family doing the fun things I love to do, and being a mobile mechanic was turning into a second job. However, I still work on cars for family and friends and my favorite customers, so there will be some videos on that.

My Best Carnivore Videos

Going Blind Sucks

The "Balanced Diet" Myth

Qries Qries

Live Free!

Diabetes & Fasting

Qries Qries

Carnivore "Messed Up" Diabetes

Made Me Biphasic

Qries Qries

Carnivore Has Stroke

Kicked Out of Carnivore Club

Qries Qries

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